Founder ~ BikeWalk San Diego

Nicole Burgess
Founder – BikeWalk San Diego
Advocate and Educator for Active Transportation and Healthy Choices
Leads the Dana Bike Train, and Loves to Ride Bikes and Enjoy the Outdoors!
Nicole Burgess is a native San Diegan and Ocean Beach home owner for nearly twenty years. Married with three children attending Point Loma High, Correia Middle and Dana Middle schools, she leads the Dana Middle School Bike Train every morning and afternoon. A Credentialed Physical Science Teacher, a League Certified Instructor for Cycling and a Certified Hatha Yoga instructor, Nicole is a daily commuter by bike and an advocate for Active Transportation and Safe Routes to School.
Nicole’s Passions and Beliefs:
“I care greatly about the environment, our health and the well being of our youth. I love riding throughout the City of San Diego and truly enjoy commuting by bicycle for all my needs. I am passionate about encouraging others to experience the benefits of commuting by bike as well.
I advocate for the much needed bicycling and pedestrian infrastructure throughout the city. I believe that San Diego has the potential to become a World-Class Bike Friendly City and want to facilitate the collaboration between stakeholders, as this is critical for progress. Finally, I believe the City of San Diego can provide alternative transportation choices which will contribute to creating healthy children, a cleaner and more sustainable environment, vibrant economies, and safer roadways for all. “
~ Nicole Burgess
Read more about Nicole in this San Diego Union-Tribune article:
One-on-One with Nicole Burgess
by Lisa Deaderick Jan 28, 2017
Nicole Burgess Interview for Miriello
San Diego Cycling Public
September 22, 2020
A 14 minute Ron Miriello interview with bicycle advocate Nicole Burgess. She talks why she cares, her role and how others can help San Diego be a better place for cycling.
Nicole contributes to the community through her participation in the following groups and organizations:
- BikeWalk San Diego – District Two ~ Founder: established in March 2012
- BikeSD Board President: 2019-2020
- BikeSD Board Member: 2013-2015
- City of San Diego Mobility Board 2019-2021 ~ District 5 Representative
- City of San Diego Bicycle Advisory Committee 2015-2018 ~ District 2 Representative
- SANDAG’s Active Transportation Working Group ~ active member
- Caltrans Bicycle/Pedestrian Advocacy Committee
- Peninsula Community Planning Board ~ current (2022) and past board member (PCPB)
- Ocean Beach Community Development Corporation (OBCDC)
- Safe Routes to Schools Coalition
- Vision Zero Task Force
- beautifulPB Advisor
Related Bicycle Advocacy and Recognition & Awards:
- 2009 – present: Daily Leader of the Dana Middle School Bike train
- 2011- present: Provides Bike Education through classroom instruction, assemblies and bike rodeos at both local schools and businesses
- 2014-Present: Collaboration with SANDAG, Port of San Diego, SD Airport, MTS, Liberty Station
- Circulate San Diego Momentum Award: 2018 Advocate Award – Nicole Burgess
- Climate Rides 2020: Local Bike rides to support
- Climate Ride 2019: Adriatic: proceeds directly support Climate Ride’s work.
- Climate Ride 2018: Nova Scotia: to raise funds for beautifulPB and Climate Action Campaign
- Climate Ride 2017: Death Valley: to raise funds for SDCBC advocacy position
- Climate Ride 2014: San Francisco to Sacramento to support Climate Ride’s work.
- 2013 – Attended National Bike Summit in Washington DC
- 2013 – Became a League Certified Instructor (LCI) for the American League of Cyclist
- 2013 & 2014 – San Diego County Board of Supervisors Proclamation in recognition for promoting Bike to Work Day during Bike Month of May
- 2013: Received E.A.R.T.H. Award
- 2012 & 2013 – Presentations on Active Transportation to the Point Loma Association (PLA) annual Town Hall meetings.
- 2012 – Recognized by SD County Bicycle Coalition as Bike Advocate of the Year
Nicole continues to advocate and promote in the community:
- Advocate for and assist with school sponsored walking field trips.
- Grant writing for safety, beautification and bike/walk facility improvements.
- Supported the Point Loma Rotary Club’s establishment of the annual “Ride the Point” charity bicycle ride.
- Continued collaboration with the Ocean Beach Planning Board, San Diego County Bicycle Coalition, and Bike/Walk Alliance groups throughout the county.