San Diego County Bike Coalition
The Bicycle Coalition is a non-profit advocacy organization for bicyclists in San Diego County. We believe bicycling is a healthy, affordable, and environmentally friendly form of transportation and recreation that should be safe and attractive to everyone who wants to ride, wherever their destination and whatever their purpose. Bicycling is good for our communities and for the people who ride, and so we work to increase the number of people who ride bikes as a regular part of their lives.

MISSION: To establish San Diego as a world-class bicycling city and create a more livable urban community by promoting everyday riding and advocating for bicycling infrastructure.
VISION: San Diego becomes one of the top 10 best cities for bicycling in the world. A majority of people who live in San Diego ride their bike daily — for commuting, for recreation, and for health. Bicycling is seen as a needed component of San Diego’s transportation system; and, Bike SD is recognized as the trusted voice for safe cycling in the city of San Diego.

San Diego Bike Commuter
An open bicycling community forum for discussions relating to all things bike commuting in San Diego CA. Also includes a bike commuter discount program at many local shops and restaurants throughout the city and region.
beautifulPB is a grassroots non-profit organization formed by a group of PB residents, businesses, and property owners in 2011.We work to implement community projects and programs that create a more sustainable, equitable, and beautiful community, based on the EcoDistricts framework.
Sustainability Matters
OUR INTENTIONS: To inspire humanity and empower the transcendence of place, for global prosperity. We are committed to supporting humans, businesses and communities to drive change by creating the opportunity to transcend place into something extraordinary.
We build sustainable solutions for businesses, communities and government agencies.
Circulate San Diego
Creating excellent mobility choices and
vibrant, healthy neighborhoods
Circulate San Diego is a regional organization formed through the merger of Move San Diego and WalkSanDiego. Circulate San Diego is one of San Diego County’s leading organizations dedicated to advancing mobility and making the region a better place to live, work, learn, and play. Our work focuses on creating great mobility choices, more walkable and bikeable neighborhoods, and land uses that promote sustainable growth.
Vision Zero Network
Vision Zero is a strategy to eliminate all traffic fatalities and severe injuries, while increasing safe, healthy, equitable mobility for all. First implemented in Sweden in the 1990s, Vision Zero has proved successful across Europe — and now it’s gaining momentum in major American cities.
The Vision Zero Network is helping communities across the nation mobilize to address the crisis of 40,000 traffic deaths a year in this country, and millions more injuries. We are bringing key stakeholders together to declare that “Enough is Enough,” recognizing these tragedies as preventable with the right strategies and commitment. Our goal is safe mobility for all.
City of San Diego ~ Vision Zero
Circulate San Diego ~ Vision Zero
Climate Action Campaign
Climate Action Campaign’s mission is to stop the climate crisis through effective policy action. We believe change happens from the ground up. When united with broad-based community coalitions, local governments can serve as an effective model for implementing bold policy solutions. This can be scaled and replicated in cities and nations across the globe.
Nextdoor is the private social network for you, your neighbors and your community. It’s the easiest way for you and your neighbors to talk online and make all of your lives better in the real world.