iCommute Walk, Ride, and Roll to School
Encourage your students to take active transportation to and from school with a free class or event! Biking, walking, skating, skateboarding, or riding a scooter to school helps promote physical activity and healthier lifestyles for students.
The iCommute Walk, Ride, and Roll to School program is offering schools and school districts a chance to register for free classes and events that are designed to teach students skills and safety to build confidence and encourage participation.
Don’t miss out! These free classes and events are offered on a first-come, first-served basis.
“Let’s Ride” Camp
Bike Skills and Safety Course for Elementary School Students.
Getting – and keeping – kids on bikes.
The USA Cycling “Let’s Ride” Camp is a nationwide bicycle safety and basic bike skills education curriculum, taught to elementary school aged children through summer day camps, physical education classes and after school programs throughout the USA.
The Let’s Ride Camp curriculum is intended to be 1-2 hours in length and will be free for all participants. Let’s Ride Camps will be occurring across the USA, hosted by local USA Cycling licensed coaches, with a view to:
- Teach kids how to ride their bikes safely
- Provide a first point of contact with USA Cycling for families and future riders
- Provide access to bikes for kids who would not otherwise have such an opportunity
Host a Let’s Ride Camp
Let us know you want to host a camp!
Our goal is to make delivering a Let’s Ride Camp as simple as possible for you – the coach. You can deliver a camp if you have an active USAC Coach License (Level 3, 2, 1). Click here to find out more about obtaining a coach license.
USA Cycling will provide the curriculum, a list of materials needed (we will cover the cost), and all the information you need to make your camp a success. We are also working with industry partners to provide bike equipment (e.g., bikes & helmets) where necessary and appropriate.
If you are interested in hosting a Let’s Ride Camp in your local community, please email: letsride@usacycling.org
Safety Awareness and Bicycling Skills for Students
Some past events:
June 4, 2015 Bicycle Safety Education Ride:
- We will be riding from Dana Middle School at 1:45 this Thursday, June 4th, 2015. We will first ride to Correia Middle School and discuss the feasibility of walking, riding, and rolling for school and activities while we wait for any Corriea Middle School riders that want to join us for a ride to Mission Beach.
- Our destination is Mission Beach Lifeguard Station for a tour by previous council member, Ed Harris.
- We will have a pit stop along the way for something sweet so bring a couple bucks, some water, and a smile.
- Bring water, helmets, and safe riding skills.
- We will plan to be back to Robb Field around 5:00 PM. I will help escort kids to their homes if needed.
November 2014 Bicycle Safety Education Ride:
- Riding to Downtown San Diego
- Leaving Dana Middle at 1:45 PM. Riding down Nimitz Blvd. to Harbor Drive and then along the waterfront bike path into downtown San Diego.
- All are welcome to attend.
- Bring water, helmets, and safe riding skills.
October 2014 Bicycle Safety Education Ride:
- From Dana Middle School to Old Town House Restaurant in Ocean Beach for Safety Discussion.
- October is a good time to refresh batteries in bike lights and get ready for the darker commutes.
- Bring water, helmets, and safe riding skills.

We enjoyed visiting the Old Townhouse Restaurant just as it was closing and were treated to french fries, refreshments, and great hospitality. We appreciate our local businesses for supporting our efforts to create independent and responsible young bicycle riders.
September 2014 Bicycle Safety Education Ride:
- Leave from Dana Middle at 1:45 PM
- Stop at Point Loma Hervey Library for Safety Discussion
- Bring water, helmets, and safe riding skills.
- Ended with milkshakes; compliments of Hodad’s.