As a great city we owe it to San Diegan’s to provide street design that brings safety, predictability, and protection from human error, along with community education and police enforcement. Working with City leaders and residents of all ages and backgrounds to prevent injuries and eliminate death on our streets is the fundamental goal of Vision Zero. Studies in San Diego and other cities show these changes will also lead to economic and sustainability gains.
City of San Diego ~ Vision Zero
San Diego Mayor and City Leaders Embrace Vision Zero
”There is nothing more important than public safety, which is why we’re working toward the goal of zero traffic deaths in the City of San Diego. We’re making great strides to become a more pedestrian- and bicycle-friendly city by investing in our infrastructure and making safety a top priority in all street projects. Whether you drive, bike, or walk, safer streets benefit everyone.” ~ Mayor Kevin Faulconer
California Active Transportation Safety Information
CA Transportation Injury Mapping System
Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center
Systematic Safety: The Principles Behind Vision Zero
NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio Makes Historic “Vision Zero” Announcement
Vision Zero and Safe Routes to School: Partners in Safety
Around the world, communities are committing to eliminating traffic fatalities and serious injuries, with an approach called Vision Zero. A growing group of these cities is focused on improving safety in school zones and other places where children and youth walk and bicycle.
Vision Zero for Youth recognizes that starting with youth can be the catalyst to build community support for Vision Zero, and that Vision Zero should include a focus on youth.
Amsterdam children fighting cars in 1972
How the Dutch got their cycle paths
How Amsterdam became the bicycle capital of the world
In the 1960s, Dutch cities were increasingly in thrall to motorists, with the car seen as the transport of the future. It took the intolerable toll of child traffic deaths – and fierce activism – to turn Amsterdam into the cycling nirvana of today.
How Copenhagen rejected 1960s modernist ‘utopia’
While concrete was being poured across Europe’s cities, Denmark’s capital found itself at a crossroads: would it follow the car-centric vision of grand boulevards and streets in the sky – or keep its citizen-focused design?